If you are a new graduate or if you simply have little diversified experience working as an Esthetician, Massage Envy and European Wax Center are a great place to get started. Remember that the reason to hold an Esthetician license instead of say, a certification as a medical assistant, or merely a secure job as a flight attendant, is that you are in a position that allows you to own your own business. That's right. You get to be the top dog, big kahuna and six figure earner while those other career choices only give you a license to punch a clock for somebody else.
The major difference between these two scenarios of vocational training is that as an Esthetician you can turn yourself into a millionaire where in the other mentioned careers you will merely be helping someone else be a millionaire. That's the reason to choose a career in esthetics!
The important thing here is to be a solid and disciplined enough Esthetician to guide yourself to the top. This is something few Estis actually do. Not because its difficult but because most Estheticians graduate from Esti school with an inflated ego. Yes, they see themselves as experts in skin care as soon as they earn their license but the reality is that after graduation you are only at square one.
There is an old saying; "the work will teach you", and it couldn't be more accurate. The only way under high heaven to become an expert is to repeat the same scenario day after day until you have thousands of client services under your belt. That means, thousands of Brazilian waxing services, thousands of eye brow designs, and thousands of facials. At Massage Envy you will get to perform facials all day, every day, and European Wax Center will turn you into a "Wax Specialist" within a few months.
At Massage Envy you will be in a position to analyze skin under the magnifying light and perform facials on all types of skin monotonously all day long. You will most definitely learn a lot about aging skin, acne, wrinkles and sensitive skin in the process. This can be viewed as kind of a prolonged schooling that puts you in an apprentice position. This is exactly what will hold you above other Estheticians. While most will say that Massage Envy and the repetition of facials is not fancy enough for them. After all, they graduated from an Esthetician program of 600 hours. With that attitude they will end up working in a salon in which they may perform a facial every three weeks and one Brazilian per day. This means that the process of learning and mastering these two services will take more than ten times as long as if you were to get a job performing just that service all day long.
A newly licensed Esthetician who considers herself to be an expert is a very dangerous Esthetician. There is no substitute for experience, and experience is repetition.
While working in the dental field I recall a dental assistant telling me that while she was in school she watched a dentist perform a root canal and she immediately thought that she had enough skill to perform one on her self. It looked simple and she was months into her training to become a registered dental assistant. After pushing a file too deeply into her tooth and experiencing extreme pain she came to the conclusion that there must be more to dentistry that what she was learning thus far. She learned the hard way.
Its better to admit that you are green and be willing to pay your dues by working in the mill than to go out on your own and ruin your name by providing sub standard services on your own clients.
Massage Envy can quickly help you develop a skilled eye for skin conditions, learn how to prescribe products for many skin types and develop your confidence. European Wax Center can help you become an expert speed waxer, and the best part; you will get paid to learn and develop these skills.
If you have ambition to become a top notch six figure Esthetician and you are limited on experience, keep an open mind and embrace European Wax Center and Massage Envy as two excellent places to develop good, solid habits and refine your skills.
As you network with other professionals in this field you will quickly see that this is an exciting business that has yet to fully develop, and whenever a field is still evolving there will be a mix of poorly practiced individuals butting heads with staunch professionals. There will be tremendous changes in the coming years making the field of Esthetics more difficult to get into and more intensely regulated. Taking the opportunity to learn the corporate structure of these two pioneering businesses can place you on the right path that is the future of esthetics.